Toft House Comedy Night presents:
Lee Kyle – Kicking Bottles Into The Sea
Lee Kyle (‘Glorious’ ( has been throwing messages in bottles into various seas, due to a mixture of longing for solitude, company and a good story for a Fringe show. And, oh my word does he have one! You’d best believe he has had replies. In this hilarious show from a great storytelling comedian, you’ll be surprised at what a bit of fun can lead to. ‘The leader of the revolution’ (Times). ‘Had the crowd on their feet’ (Northern Echo). ‘Genius… One to come back for’ (Leicester Mercury).
Stephen Catling – Beehavioural problems something something autism
Keep it fringe winner , BBC new comedy award , Malcolm Hardee award & actually autistic excellence award nominee, Leicester square new comedian finalist.
Tired of being treated like an animal at work because of their autism, this award-winning (Keep it fringe 2023) clown becomes the animal in various skits & bits including dog holy communion, crab communication, sexy bees along with reflections on the autistic experience and dealing with the struggles that this brings in a world that claims it doesn’t want people to BEE themselves.
Plus more acts to be annouced!
Tickets are priced at £8 + £1 booking fee
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